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Author Topic: Pin assignment of step and direction  (Read 9397 times)

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Pin assignment of step and direction
« on: October 18, 2015, 12:36:32 PM »
I want to  set up a 57E as  my pulse engine as well as some pendant functions. I am going to remove  my smoothstepper because I want probing functions to work.

I can not find where to set the pin numbers to be used for each axis step and direction signals. I see boxes for axis limit+ and limit- and home, but nothing about step and direction.

What am I missing?

Offline NeoTO

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Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2015, 11:48:52 PM »
Step and direction pins are fixed and described in 'PoKeys Pulse engine v2 and Mach3 plugin manual (30.1.2014).pdf' (http://www.poscope.com/index.php?route=product/product/download&download_id=83&product_id=50)

The integrated pulse generator uses pins
Pin  Function
38  Direction output – x
39  Direction output – y
40  Direction output – z
46  Step output – x
48  Step output – y
49  Step output – z
52  Emergency switch input
53  Safety charge pump 5 kHz output

The manual mentions the requirement of additional pull-ups on pins 48 and 49, but these are not required on PoKeys57E.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2015, 08:14:20 AM »
Thanks, I looked all over the site but could not find this.
Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2015, 08:51:19 AM »
The manual is all about Mach3- I am trying to do this for Mach4.

Are the pin numbers the same?

I am planning to connect to my mill through a 25 pin cable- currently a smoothstepper is doing this. I see the PoKey is 3.3v logic- will that drive the breakout board in my mil?

Offline NeoTO

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Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2015, 09:46:00 AM »
Hi, Ron

The pins are fixed in the device itself and its not really depending on the plugin and CNC software. We are working on a step-by-step tutorial for Mach4 and it should be available soon on our new blog section of homepage (http://blog.poscope.com/usb-cnc-controller-by-your-needs/)

What breakout board are you using? Most boards function with 3.3V logic levels, but we can not guarantee that all do.

www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 05:57:16 PM »
I am back to working on this lathe and have more questions.

I have a PoExtBusOC16-CNC bus. Since I only need 2 axis for the lathe is their any benefit to using this? I think hooking to the IDC and ribbon cables is harder than the screw terminals on the pokey57E. I will use keiling KL4030 step drivers. I do not plan to use a breakout board, I assume the pokey57E and drive the Kl4030 directly.

I will be using a spindle encoder. Which pins on the 57E should that use?

I have home switches for X and Z, which pins are best for that?

I will need 10V output to drive the VFD, again, which pins for that?

Offline NeoTO

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Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2016, 11:44:45 PM »
Hi, Ron

The IDC connectors are very easy to obtain and are now also available for purchase directly from PoLabs webstore.

The spindle encoder should use the 'Ultra-fast encoder' feature, avaialble on pins 8,12,13.
Home and limit switches can be connected to any free pin of the PoKeys device.
For the 10V output, we suggest to use one of the PWM outputs, an RC filter and an operation amplifier to amplify the voltage from 3.3V to 10V.

Matevž, PoLabs
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope
Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2016, 06:54:03 AM »
Thank you. I have figured the wiring and have 2 pokey57cnc boards wired to lathes. I amusing the latest plugin and I need to know how to turn on the threading features. I  have the profile from Brians lathe and with it the lplugin has a check mark for Use Lathe Threading. I cannot find how to turn that on for my profile.

Offline NeoTO

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Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2016, 03:07:15 PM »
Make sure that you have the latest plugin (released two days ago), threading option should be available directly in the spindle settings page. I must point out that this feature is in testing/validation phase currently.
www.poscope.com home of PoKeys USB HID, IO, USB, Ethernet controler and PoScope USB PC oscilloscope