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Author Topic: M3 and safety stop  (Read 3166 times)

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M3 and safety stop
« on: August 06, 2015, 05:38:47 PM »
Hi all
Is there any way to prevent a running m3 from stopping when hitting a homing, limit or any switch, or is it some built in hard coded safety thing?

I need to have m3 and s value constantly on


Offline BR549

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Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 06:43:54 PM »
SURE, you can turn OFF all those SAFETY functions .

(;-) TP
Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 01:35:05 AM »
But i cant find the settings

Offline BR549

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Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 02:32:32 AM »
OK it is SS you need to go their website and ask the question.

Offline Hood

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Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2015, 08:38:23 AM »
Not really sure what you are wanting or if I am understanding then why you would want it.
Anyway if you disable the limit switches in Ports and pins then Mach will just keep on going. Obviously for safety reasons you would need the limits connected to the hardware side of things to cut power to drives. 
Now as I say I am not sure why you would want such a thing as surely if you hit a limit switch you want Mach and the machine to stop, that is the reason for having limits after all.
Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2015, 11:26:15 AM »
i have a grinding machine tool mounted on a sliding device attached to the c axis.
grinding pressure is actuated by a pneumatic cylinder controlled by a 0-10v proportional valve that want to control with the pwm signal

depending on the work piece shape, the grinding unit may be in any position (c-degree).
when it is in 12' position (90deg) the weight of the whole grinding unit gives a perfect pressure,
at 3' position gravity has no effect so i need to add about 2.8v to the valve in order to maintain proper grinding pressure.
at 6' position gravity works in negative direction and i have to compensate for both the grinding unit weight and add the grinding pressure (totaly about 4.5v)

so i want to use the pwm signal as a "gravity compensator/grinding pressure control".
the pwm signal has to be constantly on to keep the pneumatic cylinder at max out position so that the grinding unit doesnt float uncontrolled or it will slam into the opposite end as the c-axis turns.

the problem i had was that when the homing switch was tripped (my c-ref switch is placed in 12' position) the m3/pwm signal/cylinder pressure was cut out, and the sliding unit just dropped uncontrolled. i solved that now by setting up the switch as a probe instead of limit and i wrote a special c-axis homing script

now i need to figure out a way to constantly pump out a s-value that is based on the current c-value

can i use a brain for that?

any advice would be highly appreciated


Re: M3 and safety stop
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2015, 05:14:25 PM »
I mean so that the s value dynamicly changes and follows the c value