I use Dietz's Machscreen so can't answer any questions on using screen4.
In Mach3 you can edit or add scripting by Operator>Edit Button Script,
the buttons available to edit will blink, click on the button,
and the editor screen will show any scripting. Make changes as you wish
and when you click to close the window you will be given choices on what to do.....one of them is to save the changes.
The changed script is saved in the screen set. If you copy that screen set, say to another computer you will see the scripting.
Frankly to learn, I just copied the Mach3 folder to a computer and started playing around with a screen learning how to use what's available in the screen designer program. It was rather intuitive to me on what is required to do things.
Now as far as scripting goes .......... thats a different story.
You can start by reading ( no lets say studying ) the following:
- Mach Customization Guide
- Mach Programmers Reference Manual
- Get posted list's of Buttons, DRO's, Led Numbers, etc.
Then if you have no experience with programing / scripting:
Go STUDY examples posted of scripting, what's in existing screens, pay attention to how things are done and before you know it you'll be dangerous!
Have fun ....it's a trip!