I truthfully didn't consider the modbus settings to be relevant as they are easily changed, the focus is more on the relationship between the test screen (which CAN write to the PLC) and the Brain, which is what I'm having issues with. If I were to say there are 8 registers in each of the configs, and the modbus address for the registers begin at 0 for cfg# 0, then Address Modbus Bar would have "0" in its field, "# of Registers" would have "8" in that field, and the brain's modbus dialog box would have the following filled in:
"Enter Modbus Address to use:" 0
"Output" Radio selected
"Bit Only" Checked
"0" Bit 0-15
Source: "TCP Modbus" Radio button, Cfg# "0"
This would display in the brain Terminator as MOD:0-D0-T:0, correct?