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Author Topic: THC needs 3 signals  (Read 4112 times)

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THC needs 3 signals
« on: April 16, 2015, 02:19:59 PM »
Hello Everyone,

Like the subject says, We have a THC that needs three signals.. We plan to use macros to achieve this, and have successfully done so with one of the three signals.

I have images of my macro files and g-code files but I cant seem to upload them here so ill have to email them to you upon request.

Here's some information about what we are using..

BoB: PC-2-Route Model M2 Rev 1.8 (Manual included in email)
THC: Innerlogic RSVP-401s (Manual included in email)
CAM: SheetCam (Running Innerlogic Post Processor)
Plasma: HT2000LHF

Our goal is to interface Mach3 with our RSVP-401s which is a totally stand alone THC.

We need our BoB to give the THC three things:

Start/Stop (which we have successfully done with our M3 and M5 macros)
Corner (which we will accomplish with M11 and M10 macros)
Motion (which is the pesky input we need mach to wait for)

Here is a short segment of g-code from our post processor:

N0080 (Part: 4x4plate)
N0090 (Process: Outside Offset, Colour 7, T2: HT2000LHF)
N0100 G00 X2.9525 Y0.8215
N0110 M03
N0120 M11P5
N0130 G03 X3.0165 Y0.7575 I0.0640 J0.0000 F28.8
N0140 I0.0000 J0.2261
N0150 M05
N0160 M10P5
N0170 G00 X0.9195 Y2.8544

Keep in mind: We are using M03/ M05 for Start/Stop and M11/M10 for CornerIn/CornerOut

This g-code represents going to the coordinates of a circle and cutting out the circle. If you'll notice the sequence; M03 will start the THC on its process. After the THC does what it needs to it will then send the Motion signal back to mach through the BoB from an input. We need mach to wait for this input before it continues (before it moves on to N0120 M11P5). The M11P5 will trigger an output which will deactivate the THC for the circle. Then, M05 will stop the THC and M10P5 will untrigger the output (assuming we get M11 and M10 macros working) which will activate heighth control once again.

Heres why we are using M11/M10 for CornerIn/CornerOut: (I hope CornerIn/CornerOut makes sense)

Our post processor uses M03/M05 for torch On/Off, we understand that means Start/Stop for our THC's process. We've also noticed that our post processor places an M11P5 and M10P5 for corner in corner out, which seems very useful to use those to deactivate and activate our THC. A look back at the g-code sequence above will show the torch gets to the circle, M03 will start the torch, the THC will do its thing and fire the torch for us, and then calls the M11P5 for the corner. (in this case the corner is a circle) We've tried to use the M11.m1s and M10.m1s in our macros folder to activate and deactivate an output, but cant seem to get it to work. I'm thinking it has something to do with the P5 being in front of the M11 (i.e. M11P5) so, I tried using parameters. The macros files for M11.m1s and M10.m1s look like this:


value_off_P = Param1()

ActivateSignal(OUTPUT3) 'Turn off THC


value_off_P = Param1()

DeactivateSignal(OUTPUT3) 'Turn on THC

So theres an overview of what we're trying to accomplish. Any help getting us one step further is greatly appreciated. Again, I hope this helps you help me, and if any further information is needed ill gladly supply the best I can.



Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: THC needs 3 signals
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 12:23:27 PM »
Our post processor uses M03/M05 for torch On/Off, we understand that means Start/Stop for our THC's process. We've also noticed that our post processor places an M11P5 and M10P5 for corner in corner out, which seems very useful to use those to deactivate and activate our THC. A look back at the g-code sequence above will show the torch gets to the circle, M03 will start the torch, the THC will do its thing and fire the torch for us, and then calls the M11P5 for the corner. (in this case the corner is a circle) We've tried to use the M11.m1s and M10.m1s in our macros folder to activate and deactivate an output, but cant seem to get it to work. I'm thinking it has something to do with the P5 being in front of the M11 (i.e. M11P5) so, I tried using parameters. The macros files for M11.m1s and M10.m1s look like this:

If it's any help...

The command M11P5 will activate Output#5 and the command M10P5 will deactivate Output#5 only at the instant an axis (any axis) moves.
The command M11P4 / M10P4 will activate / deactivate Output#4 (in exactly the same way) and so on.
You cannot modify the actions of these commands in a macro (as you have found with M11.m1s etc.)

« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 12:25:42 PM by Tweakie.CNC »

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Re: THC needs 3 signals
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 02:39:46 PM »
First off you cannot use M10/M11 by changing the script in the listed macro. The M10/m11 macros are INTERNAL to mach3.  All you need to do is simply set up your output to activate/deactivate the THC lets say pin 5.

The call M11 P5 will activate the signal( ouput5) on the very next step of any axis.  The M10 P5 will deactivate the signal(output5) on the very next step of any axis.  The exact order of execution will depend on if your output is active high or low.

That solves the THC control for corner slowdown.

You also cannot use any outside( other than the one coded into the Mcode P ) param() with the M10/M11 OR for that matter nether can you use Param() on M3/M4/M5 .

To solve the "motion wait for signal "  you USE the arcOK signal. When the THC has done its thing and it fires the torch the ARC OK signal will tell Mach3 to start motion.

Just a thought, (;-) TP