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Author Topic: Reset command & more...  (Read 4329 times)

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Offline GPDC

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Reset command & more...
« on: April 15, 2007, 12:33:49 PM »
George the newbie here, so bear w/my ignorance, please!
  I have a MiniTech Gantry Router that I am making some changes to for "productionization", if you will...I need to keep the operators from using/needing the keyboard and the mouse, but I still need those usable by the set-up people.
  I've put a second ESTOP button in my operator panel/pendant... I put it in series w/ the one supplied with the motor controller...which is operational to the point of killing the spindle and motor drives, but when I pull it back out, we take off running again...that initial push of the "E"stop I need to also input the RESET command to Mach, then I need the operator to then manually push reset and cycle start to continue.
  I've got spindle & coolant on/off operational using M codes...M3/4, & 5 and M 7, 8 & 9 using the (2) 115VAC outputs built into the motor controller box...it uses Gecko's
    on what looks to be a proprietery board with no other relays or other access to the parallel port cable returning back to LPT1 (no #2 insrtaled) of the CPU.
  There are no other pin I/O ports available other than a DB9 that accepts the Home switches only....they come in a little kit as an accessory.
  I've got an I-PAC (2) emu board that (I'm thinking) I need to send Mach the reset command and the cycle start command (for sure), and maybe some more as this progress.
  This emulation board has a pass thru that I can't seem to get operational (as yet), but I can get the (4) X & Y jogs to work when I jumper the boards' ground to the correct screw terminals, but nothing else...oops, I do get a feed hold input to Mach if I play around with that jumper.
 So, is there a keystroke input from the keyboard to input "Reset" to Mach"?....and any thoughts anybody might have on the correct set-up & use of the I-PAC for key mapping would GREATLY be appreciated.
  I've still got to add a Light Curtain to the enclosure this week...guess we'll cover that when I get there!
 THANKS in advance for anything that anybody cares to share w/me!


Re: Reset command & more...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2007, 01:25:33 PM »
 You can look in screen designer and click on the buttons you want to know the scan code of, you will then need to look up an ascii table to find the actual keystrokes.


Re: Reset command & more...
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 01:32:15 PM »
BTW the reset key is '  on your keyboard  and the start is Alt R
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 01:35:58 PM by Hood »

Offline GPDC

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Re: Reset command & more...
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2007, 02:48:03 PM »
    hmmm....FWIW....just found out the pass thru on the emu board is NOT for USB use....so now I've got (3) usb ports used: mouse, standard keyboard & my new I-PAC2....and they all work!!