I interface it through the Enc module of the CSMIO/IP-A on the Chiron and use the port 3 Inputs on the SmoothStepper that is on the Beaver mill.
With the CSMIO it writes to a designated user DRO, on the Smoothstepper I just have it writing to one of the encoder DROs.
No don't have a specific thread sas really there is not much too it, the hardware side is simple and all that is really needed in the screen side of things is a button with some VB script in it, for example here is the script for the Chiron, the Beaver is slightly different in that it is a different DRO number, but thats all.
Also made a page up for setting the tools up on my machine, the only relevant parts are really the Zero button, the Set Z button and the offset DRO, all the rest of that screen is specific to my Chiron. (see below)
If GetOemLED(800) Then
MsgBox ("Mach In Reset, Enable and start again")
End If
Offset = GetOemDRO(1150)
SetOemDRO(1555,Question("Enter Offset Number"))
Tool = GetOemDRO(1555)
Code "G90" & "G10" & "L1" & "P" & Tool &"Z" & Offset
Never used the MSM screens so not sure what is in them but they seem to be good from reports I have seen. Another one that I think has some probing functionality is Ger's 2010 screenset but again have never used it.