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Author Topic: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's  (Read 43246 times)

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Offline Bob49

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Re: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2015, 10:42:24 AM »
Hi Ian,

Not sure I can adequately answer that, but I'll try.  I'll be honest, I pondered for some time where those bits would be coming from, but I knew it wouldn't be the switches themselves.  I finally realized I had to create them in one or the other locations.  From the modbus, I'm just sending the state of the switches or of the individual switch pins.  In my cubloc board I merely used some basic statements to turn inputs and outputs on, that kept me from having create any ladder logic.  Ladder logic is where I think the bits would have to be created in order to send Mach brains those values.  After reading up on each, I decided that brains seemed the simpler of the two, so thats where this whole thing started.  And since I've used every input pin for connecting those switches, I wasn't sure how to get the values out to mach although I'm pretty sure there's a way. 

When I started down this road, even basic was greek to me, let alone ladder logic.  So I jumped on the first one that started to make sense.  Today, it's looking like I'm going to have to rely on some ladder logic in the modbus board to finish the functionality of the remaining switches.  I still have a couple switches for coolant that aren't wired in yet that need to be dual position for auto or manual and some keypad buttons I got no clue how to deal with.

So the real answer is I think I took the easy way.  And that may not turn out to be the best way.  After I get my feet wet in ladder logic for what's left, I may feel like experimenting with the logic for the other switches.  But I'm betting that I'll just be wanting to get it all done so I can do something else.  I'm certainly not an knowledgable electronics or programming guy, so this all has been a bit rough for me.  I've had to dig and learn every step of the way.  But I got to say I'm enjoying the ride a bit now that I'm seeing results.  I actually got my first mach3 macro to work yesterday to finish out all of the switches that are currently wired.


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Re: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2015, 10:58:53 AM »
Completely understand Bob. So far you seem to be doing a good job.


Offline Bob49

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Re: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 11:56:04 AM »
Thanks Ian,

I appreciate the kind words.  I used this forum a lot in my research and found way more examples of how to do what I needed (or close) in brain files than I did in modbus ladder logic to do the same.  Since I'm so inept in electronics and logic programming, I learn by absorption.  See and read what others have done and try to adapt it to my needs.  I'm not afraid of either ladder logic, basic programming, VB or brain files as if I make a mistake, it's only words, lobes or something that I messed up.  I didn't really break anything, just got something that won't work, as with my first attempt at a macro.  I always have the e-stop.

You'll never see posts from me advising anyone to do anything in any of these languages, lol.  Unless it's to say here's what I did, it worked and I'm stupid.  So how hard can it be, go ahead and jump in.  But I do appreciate the help given by guys like you and Thomas, even if it wasn't directed at me.  I wish I had just some of the knowledge you guys have on this subject, I wouldn't have spent so many months fumbling my way through it.  But in my life, it's not necessarily the destination, but the journey.


Offline TPS

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Re: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2015, 04:27:15 PM »
Hi Bob,

But I do appreciate the help given by guys like you and Thomas, even if it wasn't directed at me.  I wish I had just some of the knowledge you guys have on this subject, I wouldn't have spent so many months fumbling my way through it.

all of the knowlege, i have got of this system (ok sometimes it's not very much), i got on the same route you do for the moment.

it was all try and error.

anything is possible, just try to do it.
if you find some mistakes, in my bad bavarian english,they are yours.

Offline Bob49

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Re: Brains writing wrong values to DRO's
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2015, 07:34:44 PM »
Hi Thomas,

I'd say you're getting a good grip on it.  It's these kinds of things that usually make my eyes gloss over and then I tend do drag my feet getting into.  Things I don't really understand and haven't done before.  But I know all things are that way and some I'm really up for the challenge.  This one was just one that I knew going in that I'd have lots of learning to do before I could succeed.  I may be reaching out for more help in the future to get the remaining switches all working, but the only things left is the keypad and coolant switches.

As for your command of the english language, it may be better than my midwest slang of it.

Thanks again for your help