Thanks Ian,
I appreciate the kind words. I used this forum a lot in my research and found way more examples of how to do what I needed (or close) in brain files than I did in modbus ladder logic to do the same. Since I'm so inept in electronics and logic programming, I learn by absorption. See and read what others have done and try to adapt it to my needs. I'm not afraid of either ladder logic, basic programming, VB or brain files as if I make a mistake, it's only words, lobes or something that I messed up. I didn't really break anything, just got something that won't work, as with my first attempt at a macro. I always have the e-stop.
You'll never see posts from me advising anyone to do anything in any of these languages, lol. Unless it's to say here's what I did, it worked and I'm stupid. So how hard can it be, go ahead and jump in. But I do appreciate the help given by guys like you and Thomas, even if it wasn't directed at me. I wish I had just some of the knowledge you guys have on this subject, I wouldn't have spent so many months fumbling my way through it. But in my life, it's not necessarily the destination, but the journey.