Hello All,
I've read through many forums and other sources and have yet to work out the issue I'm having. I'm hoping to work out a solution to it. Below is what I have, what I hope to do, and what I've tried. Hopefully you can help me work this out.
- I'm running a DELL with Windows XP and a GECKO G540 interfacing with the motors. (this have been working fine)
- I am using all motor ports, X, Y, Z with A as slave axis to X
I want to add a 5th motor (B) to the machine for rotation.
- I have added a PCI parallel port ( BYTECC, BT-P2P which supports SPP/PS2/EPP/ECP)
- It has installed properly.
- Device Manager lists it as DXF0-DXF7 ( with the second line being DXF8...)
- In Mach3/Config/Ports&Pins I've selected Port 2 and entered DXF0 and applied it. It shows up as 0xdxf0 which I believe is correct from what I've read. (I've tried DXF8 as well)
- I've configured some of the Outputs and Inputs under Port 2
- it doesn't seem to work.
- there is no software or manual way of seeing if it is at EPP
- I've tested the pins on the port and can't get them to change HIGH or LOW. 1-17 are HIGH with the 18-25 remainder LOW.
- changing these port 2 pins via Mach3 to 'active low' makes no difference either
- It's possible that it is the PCI board but it appears that others have made it work... at least I've seen DXF0 out there. Is this the issue? Suggestions?
- I could go with a USB version but this appears even more complicated to setup via Mach3
- Is it possible to hard wire the Slave Axis (A) with X? This could free up a stepper port on the Gecko G540?
Suggestions on my options? Where I might be going wrong? Alternatives?