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Author Topic: Axis Only Moves In One Direction  (Read 19129 times)

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Axis Only Moves In One Direction
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:32:14 AM »
Hi all,

I set up my Mach3 software today and hooked it up to the Mini Mill 3-Pro. I started jogging the tool around to get a feel for the different feedrates and noticed a couple things:
- The tool would only move positively along the X and Y axis in real time, despite the DRO in Mach3 indicating that the tool was moving in both the negative and positive directions
- This would occur whether I used the arrow keys on the keyboard or the hard keys for +Y, -Y, etc. in Mach 3
- Z axis would not move on the milling machine despite the DRO in Mach3 indicating that it was moving

Any suggestions on how to go about fixing these issues? I'm very new to the Mach3 software, so any support here is much appreciated.

- Adam
Re: Axis Only Moves In One Direction
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 10:01:30 PM »

I just had a similar issue happen today, except my x axis only moves one way even using the opposite arrow key.

did you solve your issue?

thanks jeff