Third party software and hardware support forums. > Galil

A Galil Mach 3 communication problem I need help with.

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Yes, I think so. I want to be sure it gets read by the correct people, and for others to be aware of the problem. Not everyone reads all the posts on the forum, and I want others to be aware they may have a problem. I am trying to help others to solve their problems. I first reported problems in November 2014, but was not fully aware of just how bad it was. I am just becoming aware of the consequences of this, namely significant loss of position information. I think the developers did a huge service for the hobby CNC community when they developed Mach3, and want it to be the best it can be.

Mach3 development stopped about 5 years ago, so it's not going to be getting any better.

So you don't fix errors and support your customers who paid for the product?

I don't work for Artsoft.

As I said, all development stopped on Mach3 about 5 years ago.

If you want to use a current product, which is supported, use Mach4.

Your suggestion to just use Mach 4 is great, except for the expense involved. As you may be aware, Mach4 does not support the DMC 17xx or 18xx controllers and requires an ethernet controller. A new 5 axis ethernet controller from Galil costs $2695. Since I have a significant amount of money invested in my present controller (new cost is also $2695), it is not likely I will be upgrading to Mach4 anytime soon. If you are running a business, $2695 is not a lot of money, but for a hobby user who is retired, it is certainly significant.


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