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Author Topic: No stepper response after Mach3 software update  (Read 2804 times)

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No stepper response after Mach3 software update
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:48:09 PM »
After updating to Mach3 R3.043.066 there is no response from any of the stepper motors.
i am relatively new to this table and the Mach3 software so any basic ideas on to correct this situation would be very helpful.
The table has orders and im falling behind. please any ideas would be appreciated

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Re: No stepper response after Mach3 software update
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 03:30:21 AM »
Perhaps the first thing to check, assuming you are using the parallel port for communication, is within Mach3 Config / Ports & Pins that the Port#1 is enabled and set to the correct address for your parallel port (check it's address in Windows Device Manager).

Next check that the correct port and pins are allocated in Config / Ports & Pins / Motor Outputs. Also that any Enable signals (if required) are set in Output Signals.

Your previous .xml file (usually called Mach3Mill.xml) should have all the correct settings so transferring this file to your new set-up is usually all that is necessary to get things up and running again.  ;)
