Ok I set to 0.07 and it set the value to 0.0661.
Now that was strange but I decided to try and see why it was doing such a thing. I opened the screenset in Screen4 and made the A DRO show 16 decimals. The value when homed is showing as 0.0660770833184247.
Ok so next I looked at your A axis steps per unit and they work out as 0.0094395833312035 degrees per step.
So if you divide your DRO value by the resolution (degree per step) then it comes out to 7, or almost. I suspect if I expanded the DRO to show more decimals it would be exactly 7 times your min step.
So what seems to be happening is Mach is saying to itself it can not possibly move to 0.070 degrees as the steps per unit wont allow it. Now of course Mach is not actually moving to that position, it is just setting the value of the Home position, it however means that it can not physically move to G53A0 if it accepts the 0.070 value you entered and thus is setting it to the nearest your steps per degree allow.