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Author Topic: ESS, can't reset limit switch with OEM trigger code 1021 ?  (Read 7240 times)

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ESS, can't reset limit switch with OEM trigger code 1021 ?
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:51:10 AM »
Dear Forum.

I'm quite new to ESS coming from Par Port.
So the ESS is hooket up, and running, simply replaced the cables to the 2 BOB's and, set the frequency and re-tuned the motors. That's it !

I also have an PoKeys 56U (USB connection) connected to a DIY operating panel.
Here I have a Push button  "Reset" that via the Pokeys give the OEM code 1021 which is "Reset"
This has been working fine with the Par-Port setup.

Changing to ESS. It seems that a "Limit flag" is set in the ESS, constantly triggering the E-stop of the system. (I can hear the computer speaker, constant beep every 4.th second) that it E-stops.
I cannot use the OEM code to Clear that limit flag, only the mouse click on the "Reset" on the screen, clears that flag.
Then my push button works, via the OEM code 1021.

Is this a bug or feature in ESS, that after a limit switch is hit, then a "double-click" on Reset is needed ?
Is there another way ?

Best Regards, Bo Andersen.