im trying to set up an external button to home my machine. What I want to be able to do is eactly whats in the Ref Home button script, so the logical thing to do would be to map the hardware button press to the OEM button number. Problem is I cant find the button number and from reading, dont think there is one.
So, I tried a macropump....
Switch connected to input #1
If IsActive (input1) Then
DoOemButton (1024)
DoOemButton (1023)
DoOemButton (1022)
DoOemButton (1025)
DoOemButton (133)
DoOemButton (134)
DoOemButton (135)
End If
Which is the same as in my button script.
But what happens here, is that all axis home at the same time, not one after the other.
This is not what I want as I would like z to home first so that the tool clears anything on the table when moving X and Y, just like the "Ref All Home" button on the screen.
What am I doing wrong?