I am running Version R3.043.066 of Mach3 with a USB Digital Dream 5-Axis board on a small mill with a moving table. At this point I am only using the X,Y,Z axis. I have limit switches at the ++ and -- of each axis, and each of the switches uses a separate Mach3 input. In >Input Signals< I have assigned the Y-- and X-- switches as Home Switches. The Z++ switch is assigned to Z Home. The Debounce interval is set to 1,000 and the Debounce Index is Zero. A jpeg of my Homing configuration is attached.
[/img] along with my XML config file.
When I press the limit switches, the LEDs in the Diagnostics screen properly indicate the Limit, and Limit/Home for each switch.
First, I click on the Machine Coord's button. When I click the REF ALL HOME button, the Z axis will move upwards at 50% speed. When it triggers the Z++ Limit/Home switch, the system throws a Limit Switch Error and stops with the Reset button flashing. Clicking the Reset button stops it from flashing. Even with the Auto LimitOverRide toggled On, none of the axis will move with the Jog control and there is no error message displayed. The only way to get the axis moving again (without turning everything off and back on again) is to click the Stop button. But, when I click Stop, the axis I was trying to Home, which is sitting on the Limit/Home switch, drives on past the switch and crashes into the end of the axis. I get this same behavior on all three axis.
I have tried referencing the axis individually on the Diagnostics screen. 90% of the time, when the selected axis triggers the Limit/Home switch, the system stops with a Limit Switch Error and will not complete the Home cycle. Every once in awhile the the Homing will work properly and the axis will reverse off of the switch and then set the Machine Coordinate to Zero. After hours of reading and trying different settings, I simply cannot get all three axis to Home properly.
Finally, if I do recycle power to the mill and restart Mach3, Homing still does not work properly. If any of the axis are sitting on the Limit/Home switch (as indicated by the LEDs in the Diagnostics screen) and I click the REF ALL HOME button, I get the error message "Limit switch is Aactivated, check your axises position. My understanding it that if an axis is sitting on the Home switch when Referenced, that it should back off the switch.
Your help in figuring out what is wrong will be greatly appreciated.