Having some trouble with getting my spindle speed setup correctly in Mach3.
The particulars:
Latest release of Mach3 Licensed
Dyna DM2400 benchtop CNC Mill
Spindle motor is a stock 90VDC motor, but originally ran from a 75V Controller calibrated about 60V to produce 5000rpm at the motor
NEW DC Spindle controller is a KBIC-120. Usually takes 0-7VDC input. I had to set the MAX trim pot on the KBIC down to give me the 5K motor RPM which resulted in a max signal voltage of 4VDC
Gecko G540 Control
VFD signals in the 540 are wired to the 3 terminals on the KBIC-120 where the pot would go.
Test the KBIC-120 with a 5K Pot and it works fine, get full range of RPM out of the motor. (after setting the KBIC-120 MAX RPM where the max input signal would be 4VDC)
Proximity index sensor on the spindle pulley, properly setup in Mach.
Mach3 is configured per Jeff Birt’s document on configuring the KBIC:
http://www.soigeneris.com/Document/Gecko/Using_the%20Gecko_G540_VFD_Output.pdfI followed his directions verbatim. Wired it verbatim. (The Dyna DM2400 has a SPDT switch where you can put it in “LOCAL” mode which switches the signal to come from the 5K manual Pot or flip it to “PROGRAM” mode from the G540’s VFD circuitry to the input of the KBIC-120. Jeff, thanks for posting this)
The Dyna has 3 pulley grooves giving 3 different speeds. I set these up in Pulleys. 0 min, and the maximum is set to the name plate chart max rpm on the speed chart on the side of the headstock. Ratio is set to 1.
My problem, when commanding the spindle speed from Mach using the S10000, (Pulley 1 will give a max speed of 10K rpm), Mach turns on the spindle and while a few RPM off it was close. I tweaked the MAX rpm pot on the KBIC-120 so that it was at 10k rpm showing on the spindle speed display in Mach via the index pulse. I checked it with a laser tach and it was right on. KBIC input signal to spin 10K rpm is 4VDC. I commanded S7500rpm and actually got 6910rpm (2.86VDC signal), commanded S5000 and actually got 6325rpm (2.65VDC Signal), commanded 2500rpm and got no spindle speed. (.001VDC)
This happens with the other 2 spindle pulley settings. The output from Mach/G540 is not following linearly.
With that in mind, I put the SPDT switch in LOCAL mode, I turned the manual speed pot and measured RPM and signal voltages (they differed slightly than the Mach/G540 Combo) here is what I got:
325rpm - .553VDC signal
650rpm - .659VDC signal
1250rpm - .867VDC signal
2500rpm – 1.31VDC signal
5000rpm – 2.19VDC signal
7500rpm – 3.07VDC signal
10000rpm – 4.0VDC signal
So, in a nutshell, I’m pretty sure my controller is good. I need help configuring Mach/G540 so it outputs the proper voltages to control my spindle properly. I can’t seem to get Mach/G540 combo to output the signal voltage not much lower than a volt. I could not get my spindle to turn less than 1250 rpm in the above example.
Lastly does the Auto Spindle Configuration in Mach really work?
How about using the spindle in closed loop?
Any advice/thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance!