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Author Topic: Losing Y position erratically  (Read 7029 times)

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Re: Losing Y position erratically
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2014, 04:23:17 AM »
Good point DoubleTrouble - is the existing fan operating correctly and efficiently ??

Thanks :) it also looks like there is an 'amount' of guitar dust inside the box, built up on the rear vent and cables etc, a can of compressed air is you friend for ridding this problem.
Re: Losing Y position erratically
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2014, 10:26:42 AM »
Well, it looks to me like the existing fan is more than adequate to do the job so I don't think adding another fan would serve any useful purpose. I assume that the board closest to the fan is your Z axis and the two slo-syn's are your X an Y ??


I think you are correct Tweakie. The one closest to the fan controls the Z and the slo-syns are for X and Y (I will check to confirm this though)

Good point DoubleTrouble - is the existing fan operating correctly and efficiently ??


DoubleTrouble, Tweakie, I will check Monday to see if the fan is working adequately enough. I will report back then.

I will also give the box a good shot of compressed air.
Re: Losing Y position erratically
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2014, 10:31:07 AM »
Hey guys.

I cleaned the box out with compressed air. As well, I checked to see if the fan is working and it is definitely blowing air into the box and onto those stepper controllers.

I had a theory the other day while at home. My thoughts were that the stepper controller furtherest from the fan (closest to the E switch) was probably the Y axis. That would explain it not getting enough air cooling by the fan because the stepper controller in front of it would block air flow. Upon checking today, I can see this is not the case. The middle stepper controller is the Y axis. I have attached a picture of the Axis layout.

Any other thoughts? I am afraid to run any material until I figure this out.

Re: Losing Y position erratically
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2014, 09:59:37 PM »
Anyone have any ideas what may be causing my issue?

I don't know where to go from here.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Losing Y position erratically
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2014, 02:01:59 AM »

Just going on the problem as you have described it, my money is on it being heat related but I am only guessing because I have no proof.
Perhaps your way forward is to get some cheap MDF (or similar) and carry out a number of test runs (with the machine being left on all day) -  if and when the problem happens again check that the Mach3 DRO’s show the correct position when the tool has an incorrect position. This will at least eliminate a Mach3 software problem.

In the meantime you could check your machine to make sure all wiring, plugs and sockets etc. are sound and secure also that the ‘motor to shaft’ couplings are absolutely tight and secure.

If the problem is heat related, as I suspect, then it could be a faulty motor. Swapping the X and Y motors is one way of testing – if the fault moves to the other axis then it points to a motor fault. Alternately, it could be a faulty stepper driver. Swapping the X and Y drivers is a good method of testing and if the fault moves to the other axis then fitting a new stepper driver will most likely be the cure. Also check your PC to make sure it is not getting too hot (internal dust perhaps) and has adequate air circulation etc.

Sorry to be so vague about all this but when something actually breaks it is easy to identify but when something works but has an intermittent fault it is not that easy to be absolutely certain about the cause.
