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Author Topic: Help regarding I/O card  (Read 7036 times)

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Help regarding I/O card
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:57:35 PM »
Hello I'm having trouble with an I/O card I recently brought it was meant to be suitable for CNC but didnt include any software or anything like that despite being led to believe it did (this is beyond the point now)
What I really need is an intellegent person to write a plugin if possible?

I have an adtech 8948. Its a 4 axis control card. http://www.adtechen.com/product.php?...=64&t1=1&t2=14

I'm wanting to use it in Mach3.
I have the drivers installed but It wont recognise on Mach3.

I'm guessing it would need a program written or similar like what they have for GALIL cards?

Where do I start with this I've go Visual basic files and C++ and all the programming code to suit the card if its needed. Or is there a better option i should look into to make it work?

Heres my original post http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,13319.0.html it has the files in it