Ger21, thanks for the suggestion.
I've looked at my macros and unless I'm missing something I can't figure out how the tool offset is getting turned off when tool 0 is selected manually and the Autozero button is used on it, here's the macros I'm using:
Auto Tool Zero Macro:
' Macro to set tool offset for currently selected tool
' Assumes tool has been touched down on reference height
' Note tool zero has no offset, used to set zero height.
' All offsets are thus calculated relative to length of tool zero.
Tool_Num = GetDRO (24)
GaugeBlockThick = GetOEMDRO(1002)
XDRO = 0
YDRO = 1
ZDRO = 2
While IsMoving ()
If Tool_Num <> 0 Then
Z_Offset = GetOEMDRO ( 49 )
Axis_Pos = GetOEMDRO(85)
Tool_Offset = Axis_Pos - Z_Offset - GaugeBlockThick
Call setOEMDRO(42, Tool_Offset)
' G92.2 cancels any applied offset mode
Code "G92.2"
Call SetDRO(ZDRO, GaugeBlockThick)
End if
'Macro for changing tools, this one runs first, M6End.m1s then runs after button tool change button push.
'User DRO range from OEM codes 1000 to 1245, grid precision uses 1100, change locs use 1200,1201,1202
'This macro moves the machine to the machine coordinate change location first in Z and then in X.
'Dim Msg1, Msg2
tool = GetSelectedTool()
'Msg1 = "Selected Tool = " & Str(tool)
'MsgBox Msg1
currenttool = GetCurrentTool()
'Msg2 = "Current Tool = " & Str(currenttool)
'MsgBox Msg2
If currenttool = tool Then Stop
xorig = GetToolChangeStart( 0 )
yorig = GetToolChangeStart( 1 )
zorig = GetToolChangeStart( 2 )
xchange = GetUserDRO(1200)
ychange = GetUserDRO(1201)
zchange = GetUserDRO(1202)
MoveYonToolChangeLed = 1104
Code "G00 G53 Z" & zchange
While IsMoving ()
' X move taken out for now
' Code "G00 G53 X" & xchange
' Y move
If GetOEMLED (MoveYonToolChangeLed) Then
Code "G00 G53 Y" & ychange
End If
While IsMoving ()
SetCurrentTool( tool )
'Macro for changing tools, this is second M6End.m1s one that runs after button tool change button push.
'User DRO range from OEM codes 1000 to 1245, grid precision uses 1100, change locs use 1200,1201,1202
'This macro moves the x and y of the table back to the original position.
xorig = GetToolChangeStart( 0 )
yorig = GetToolChangeStart( 1 )
zorig = GetToolChangeStart( 2 )
MoveYonToolChangeLed = 1104
' X move taken out for now
' Code "G00 X" & xorig
' Y move
If GetOEMLED (MoveYonToolChangeLed) Then
Code "G00 Y" & yorig
End If
While IsMoving ()