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Author Topic: Changing the units of the "DRO"  (Read 11521 times)

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Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Changing the units of the "DRO"
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2014, 05:51:38 AM »
Can you attach your xml please as that is certainly not normal.

Offline BOB88

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Re: Changing the units of the "DRO"
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2014, 05:47:15 PM »
Hello Hood,  Thank you for the reply.

I have a few more observations that lead me to believe the XML file is probably OK.  The problem can be seen by two things:  Having the "USE INIT STRING on RESET" in General Config. Checked, and the other is when Limit Switches are set to active high in P and P when no switches are attached.  That is when hitting the reset button, it remains flashing and says limit switch triggered.  Then when the reset button is hit again, the reset stops flashing and the top right g-code line still says G20 and G17 as it should. But then any MDI command like g0 X2 followed by the enter key immediately changes g20 to g21, and G17 to G19.  

If the "USE INIT STRING on RESET" is UNCHECKED,  the G20 stays G20 but the G17 changes to G19.  If the Limit switches active is changed so that there is no error, hitting Reset button just once then resets fine and the button stops flashing without any limit errors.  In this case the G20 and G17 remain as they should.

If you put in your own INIT string in gen. config. , you'll notice on the run auto screen upper right corner there are other G-Codes that you did not put in your INIT string.  I don't know where they come from but suspect that they are interfering with the desired init string you enter.  

Again, thank you Hood for replying to this post.

It appears like MACH3 will reset even if there are no limit switches.  It seems to fix the active high/low when pressing reset twice. (Probably to make it easier it to run in demo mode.)

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: Changing the units of the "DRO"
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2014, 06:39:10 PM »
Your xml will make it easier for me to see if I can find the problem as I will be able to load your exact settings.
Regarding your units, what are your native units set to? Again I would be able to see that if I had your xml.
Limits, if you dont have any limits then dont have the limits enabled in Ports and Pins, Inputs, they are not required. The only input required is an E-Stop and you can get round that by changing the active state of it. If however you are running a machine then I would advise you do have a real E-Stop, purely for safety reasons.
