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Author Topic: Please Help! Warp 9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper" running out of data "  (Read 18631 times)

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Hey everyone. Im just getting my 3 axis mill up and going, and have most everything sorted out except for the ess running out out data message a couple of minutes into running a part file. It happens with or without the spindle running. I usually cant make it past line 35 or so before this happens. I have downloaded the current ESS_v10h2d1a.zip File from the warp 9 website.

 " - Fixed a bug in the microcontroller code that did not handle Ethernet data retransmissions properly in some cases where the packets were delayed and then burst quickly. This resulted in the communications hanging. This affected very few computers, but even if you have not had this happen you should upgrade to this plugin.-"

-Samsung 23'' touch screen
-Windows 8 64 bit operating system
-intel Core i3_3220T cpu @2.80 Ghz 6.00 GB Ram 5.89 usable
-Mach 3 R3.043.066
-cnc4pc c32 bob
-warp 9 Ess

Im not sure where to start to start so Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Offline Jeff_Birt

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Re: Please Help! Warp 9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper" running out of data "
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2014, 02:41:44 PM »
There was a thread about this problem on the Warp9 forum about 6 below yours :)

Try this plug-in: http://warp9td.com/files/ESS_v10p1d1e.zip . I have been using it for several weeks now with very good results. This was one of those odd errors that most people seemed to not have but a few had it pop up all the time.
Happy machining , Jeff Birt

Offline dude1

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Re: Please Help! Warp 9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper" running out of data "
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2014, 08:58:42 PM »
it could be your computer not playing nicely with mach3.
use the recommended version of mach3 in the ess manual could help to
Re: Please Help! Warp 9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper" running out of data "
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2014, 12:01:10 PM »
Try reducing the SS data transmission time from 4khz (default value) to 1khz on the SS config page, upper left hand corner. The SS buffer is running out of data and give the error message and stopping the program. What's happening is the SS is processing the data faster than the pc can send the data over the eithernet connection. I downloaded the plug-in listed by Jeff Brit and still had the same problem of running out of data. I reduced the timing to 1khz and tried 2khz and never had the problem again. Experimenting with the same gcode running the SS at 4khz would result in "Out of Data" after about 25 lines of code.
Re: Please Help! Warp 9 Ethernet Smooth Stepper" running out of data "
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2014, 01:57:42 AM »
Thanks for you help . I  installed the ESS_v10p1d1e plugin. I changed the setting in the lower left corner of the config menu to 2000. I was all ready set to 1 Khz. I ran the same program that was giving me the "out of data" message by line 37 without any problems. the message seamed more prevalent with G code with lots of circular interpolation, so I air cut a pile of holes of varying sizes and depths at 120 ipm. Some of them where 6" deep with a .020" Z step, and some were 17" at 10 ipm and everything in between. So far so good. I'm not sure what made the difference, the plugin, or changing the value to 2000. I will reverse engineer it and let you know what I find. Thanks again