Hi gang,
I am very much in need of help and guidance from you experts.
After many years of wanting my own cnc machine I finally purchaced what I thought could help with my various projects, that I could do at home
rather than getting caught doing them at work.
SO and yes before you say it (chinese CRAP) I purchased a TONSEN TS3040c -H80 and you wouldnt be wrong, but I have it now and I have to
make this work or the missus will not look to kindly to my not using it.
I have never used MACH3 until now but I have managed the basics of the software that came with the machine, but my problem involes it
screwing up for what ever reason when cutting a project I am currently working on, some thing is causing it to miss steps and I am unable to return
exactly back to my start point / home position that should be the same point every time.

TIME FOR ME TO ADD LIMIT SWITCHES.....................
THIS IS THE MAJOR PROBLEM, AT THIS TIME, as you will see from the attached pic I have NO inputs on this board,
( I could be wrong unless you can see them) so a friend from work suggested I used the ESTOP to wire limits to....... the ESTOP only has 2 wires
and is connected to the BOB at the JT position
I have played around this morning but to no avail, I have the switches screwed to a piece of wood at the mo (until I can prove they work as they
should), when I REF ALL HOME the Z lifts up and I trick it into thinking it has touched the limit switch, then I have to reset the system but this
doesnt continue to the X or Y axis as I have been told they would do.
Can some kind soul on here help me by drawing me a simple diagram that shows the correct method of connection ( parallel or series) to wire
the limit switches ( only x3 XYZ) should be connected to the ESTOP and also tel me how to, or what to set, in MACH3 setting to make, the
following work.
TURN ON MACHINE, or at any time I wish, to press REF ALL HOME and the machine returns to all the limit switches without having to do a
RESET or anything else, untill it has found my chosen home point.
OR If there is any one in the Gloucester, UK area that could come round and help me...
Thanks for reading and hopefully some one here can help....