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Author Topic: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen  (Read 3907 times)

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Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:08:15 PM »
My initial tool touch off works flawlessly, my problem arose after my first tool change.

The M6 code was reached and the cnc  paused correctly for the tool change. I manually changed the tool and then tried to reset the tool to zero using the "Z" zeroing button and the "Z" axis tried to go past the touch off plate and then proceeded to move "Z" towards the "+" of the axis.

Would this problem be in the macro for the zeroing or somewhere else?


Offline dude1

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Re: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2014, 07:36:48 PM »
if the home position is less than 25mm above work zero this happens its the code there is no retract code it he has it in his new screen set
Re: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2014, 09:34:06 PM »
Thanks for that.

Is there a link to the new screen that is available?

Offline dude1

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Re: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2014, 10:07:05 PM »
its on the screen down load page you have to pay for it you wont I can post the code I use what does not have this problem
Re: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2014, 10:09:37 PM »
That would be appreciated, many thanks.

You can msg me if you'd prefer.


Offline dude1

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Re: Problem zeroing after tool change... using BigTex Screen
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2014, 11:43:04 PM »
its for metric but it easy to change to inch.

just use edit button scripts select the Z- button delete what's in there and copy and past new code in

Code: [Select]
Rem Auto Tool Zero Z- Metric Version

DownStroke = -25 'Set the down stroke to find probe
DownFeedRate = 100 'Set the down FeedRate
RetractStroke = 10 'Set the retract Stroke
RetractFeedRate = 300 'Set the retract FeedRate

CurrentFeed = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current feedrate to return to later
CurrentAbsInc = GetOemLED(48) 'Get the current G90/G91 state
CurrentGmode = GetOemDRO(819) 'Get the current G0/G1 state
PlateThickness = GetUserDRO(1151) 'Z-plate thickness DRO

If GetOemLed (825)=0 Then 'Check to see if the probe is already grounded or faulty
DoOEMButton (1010) 'zero the Z axis so the probe move will start from here
Code "G4 P2" ' this delay gives me time to get from computer to hold probe in place
Code "G90 G31 Z" &DownStroke &" F" &DownFeedRate 'probing move
While IsMoving() 'wait while it happens
ZProbePos = GetVar(2002) 'get the axact point the probe was hit
If Abs(ZprobePos) <= Abs(DownStroke)-0.1 Then 'Check if the probe has been found
Code "G0 Z" &ZProbePos 'go back to that point, always a very small amount of overrun
While IsMoving ()
Call SetDro (2, PlateThickness) 'set the Z axis DRO to whatever is set as plate thickness
Code "G4 P0.25" 'Pause for Dro to update.
Code "G1 Z" &PlateThickness + RetractStroke &" F" &RetractFeedRate 'retract
While IsMoving ()
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed)" 'puts this message in the status bar
Code "G0 Z0" 'retract to start pos
While IsMoving ()
Code "(Z-Plate not found, check connection or stroke and try again)" 'puts this message in the status bar
End If
Code "(Z-Plate is grounded, check connection and try again)" 'this goes in the status bar if aplicable
End If
Code "F" &CurrentFeed 'Returns to prior feed rate
If CurrentAbsInc = 0 Then 'if G91 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G91"
End If
If CurrentGMode = 0 Then 'if G0 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G0"
End If
Exit Sub 

I have been using for 3 years with no problems