yes, had the soft limits a 550 cm instead of 55cm thinking it was mm's - that will throw the noobies alright!!
also not having the limit switches set close enough and the x axis crashing when homing - they are inside the motor can sheilds, have had them in and out 4 times!!!!
plus trying to run some files at the limits and zero'd, not realising you have to do a slight offset.
putting in 5 there too and wondering why I am 2 inches from the table area. zero for x and y
having the limit switches at pin s 10 11 and 12, and not realising the e-stop was live on pin 10.
not realising you have to click the soft limit to activate it.
having the machine offset - then homing - makes it all crash.
Its all good fun though.
x axis rumble is bugging me but it still works o.k.
turned the velocity down and i seems better.
on these leafboy77 usb bobs, input 10, 11 and 12 for x, y and z limit switches, 5v feed off the board to them, they are still a closed circuit, but you still have to set them active low and not high, as the little led is always lit, and goes out when the limit switch is opened, so you have an led for all 3 axis - which is why I ballsed it all right up, as when I put my meter on the circuit it was fine, then when i fitted the motors to the machoine and manually wheeled the axis to the switches they were fine, but they were simply 5mm too far away from the acuating pin that comes through teh gantry side, bugger - so they were crashing, so the axis does have about a 5-10 mm bounce when hitting the limit switches, I did wonder why they were acuated along the sides of them, rather than at right angles to them - now I know, if they were like that they would just get smashed, so you do need some 'bounce'
so now onto actually cutting something, how do you set the plunge

so I gather I am at zero with my z axis, the plunge travel is 80mm or 8 cm.
how do I get it say - 75 mm down and to then plunge 5mm for cutting?