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Author Topic: JOG = off. Causes JOG to continue ? (PoKeys hardware)  (Read 3303 times)

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JOG = off. Causes JOG to continue ? (PoKeys hardware)
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:22:14 PM »
Dear Forum. (Not sure if this is a Pokeys or MACH3 issue ?)

I have hooked up a Pokeys56U (USB)
From that I created a 8x8 matrix push button panel. (Basic JOG, MPG and other features)

One set of buttons is for JOG of XYZ axis, press the button = JOG, release = stop.
One button (X++) is linked to one OEM-Code 307, etc.
All good.

Then when I Toggle the "JOG" either via. mouse on the MACH screen or via my control panel following is observed:
The LED is OFF, indicating that JOG function is disabled. (And other related LED's like "Continued" or "Step" or MPG)
Not possible to JOG from Computer keyboard.

If I then press and Release my X++ JOG button on my control panel, the X-axis, moves, and CONTINUES to move
untill Stop or E-Stop is activated.

When i Toggle the JOG back on (LED = ON) then the function is back to normal ?!

PoKeys, MACH or user error ?
Best Regards, Bo Andersen.
Re: JOG = off. Causes JOG to continue ? (PoKeys hardware)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 10:03:09 PM »
Hello Bo:

I think this is a Pokeys assignment problem, and nothing to do with Mach3.

Pokeys has a vast I/O capability. I looked at that area of the drop-down menu, and it looks like all the relative items are for an MPG.
If you change that particular matrix button assigned to 307, to none, and move over one column to the I/O column. Next scroll down to the function, Input Jog X+, and see if that particular matrix key works as Jog for the X+ direction.

Do one key at a time, and test the result.

Also, further Pokeys questions should post in that section, as it will be seen by the Pokeys staff.   


Re: JOG = off. Causes JOG to continue ? (PoKeys hardware)
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 04:15:57 PM »
Dear John.
Thank you for your reply.

I tried what you described, besides the buttons lag significantly more that using the OEM-code.
The result remains the same :-/

Lock this thread, as I will move the discussion to "PoKeys" section.

Best Regards, Bo Andersen.