I found a few things:
- The soft limit is actually handled in steps, with the range 2^31-1; -(2^31-1)
- the maximum in units is then (2^31-1) divided by "steps per".
(2^31-1 is 2147'483'647, or for simplicity 2147'000'000 a bit less.)
My example:
- 80'000 steps per revolution of 360 degrees (40:1 gear)
- 222.2222222 "steps per", steps per degree
- maximum soft limit is +9'663'676.412;-9'663'676.412, respectively +9'663'676;-9'663'676 , respectively +9'661'500; -9'661'500.
- maximum limit in revolutions is 26'843 revolutions of 360 degrees in the positive or negative direction. Respectively 26837 revolutions.
(The latter values are from the above mentioned 2147'000'000 maximum steps.)
- Mach3 does its positioning in steps in signed 32-bit values. The DRO positions are calculated on the fly from the steps and "steps per". We see this, when we change "steps per" in the motor tuning.
- When values are entered as soft limits, higher than those calculated from 2^31-1, they make overflow into negative or arbitrary values, which is not always noticed by Mach3.
- I do not yet know what is the required precision of fractional "steps by" values. Obviously Mach3 truncates them to 10 digits.
- Of course these large values are only a problem with rotational axes (because they can rotate many times, far in steps), not with linear ones (that have limited travel in steps).