we are running mach3 1.84 version on a plasma/router table using a mp1000 thc. i understand a little of the thc function on thin metal, but if my feedrate in my plasma manufactures chart says a specific height with a certain amperage, tip volts, speed, and pierce height, will cut x inch metal, then why should i run thc if i could just create the right height in my gcode. i wouldn't think anything over 3/16 wouldn't move that much. with that being said, can i turn thc off and still run parts. it seems when we do that our torch will starting moving before it fires. also, what exactly does the thc dro mean. i see it moving up or down in numbers but what is it doing for the torch. table is grounded with ground rod also. also would it be recommended for us to download the newest version of mach3. i read something on here with someone saying to change from 45khz to 25khz with a similar prob. is this the kernel speed. if so ours is at 35khz. would this help. hope this isn't another one of these "we've already answered this one" topics. please help.