I'm converting my Supermax knee mill from its failing Anilam control to Mach3. I'm using an Intel Atom processor, ethernet SmoothStepper, Cncdrive DG2S16035 drives and AMT10X modular encoders. The encoders have user selectable resolution and will be mounted on the servo motors. I think

my math works out like this assuming the encoder set to 1000 and 200"/min rapids.
5 turns per inch lead screw x 1.5 motor to leadscrew ratio = 8 motor turns per inch x 200 inches per min = 1,500 motor turns per min x 4 pulses for quadrature output = 6,000 count per min
6,000 count per min x 1,000 encoder count = 6,000,000 pulses per min = 100,000 pulses per sec or 100 Hz.
First, is my math straight? Second, is 1000 count where I want to be or should I set the encoders to something less? 500, 512, 800 are also available settings.