So the long version of my problem is, I am trying to test my environment to prove I have it configured right.
I have Demo version of featureCam (I found some really awesome instructional videos on youtube from the University of Wisconsin)
I have a Licensed copy of Mach3
I basically want to Surface a block of Wax to prove I can control the CnC and work from there.
I wont go into the problems I have with Feature Cam just yet, I think my problems are specific to my setup.
I downloaded 540BVFD.xml from someplace, and started hacking to make it work, but I found that I think I changed too many things, so I started fresh today, I created a new Profile.
In Config-> Ports & Pins -> Motor Outputs :
- I have Y,Y,Z enabled.
- Pins and Dir Pins set according to my Gecko board.
- Dir Low Active and Step Low are all (red X's)
- Step Port and Dir Port all set to 1's
When I have this configuration setup, I find I have the following problems.
- X axis is reversed
- Z axis is Reversed
- Y axis is Fine.
- and When I do a "Ref All Home" the Z axis homes to the bottom.
I found, that if I change the following:
- In Config -> homing and Limits.
I was able to reverse the X axis, Z axis, and Home Neg the Z Axis.
And after doing this, the hardware performs as I expect it should.
Question #1, is this the right way?
Question #2, Why do I have 2 axis reversed?
I also noticed, after looking at my previous profile, I could mess around with the direction of the Z and X axis, by setting DIR LowActive in Config-> Ports & Pins -> Motor Outputs.
Question #3, which setting is the better one to get it behaving properly?
One of the problems I ran into in Feature Cam, is when I loaded my Gcode, my X,Y tried to home to the X+, and that's what caused me to investigate my settings.
(I am also having a problem where when I import my Gcode from FeatureCam, there is a discrepency of size, the mill will travel 100mm, when I tell it too, but the gcode is doing something else.(but I am not ready to tackle this problem till I know the environment is working.)