Sorry Z and Y are the same motor. X is different, its a big ball screw motor.
Gecko G540 driver.
Same PC
I checked voltage of of pin 4 and 5 for Y. Pin 5 had 0 and 5 with no issues.
I lowered the speed, V and Acceleration and it sounded really bad when in manual mode. Here are my settings:
X: Steps Per:2013 V:240 Accel:30.26 G: 0.078 step pulse 1 Dir Pulse: 0
y: Steps Per:10160 V:135 Accel:24 G: 0.063 step steppulse 1 Dir Pulse: 0
z: Steps Per:2013 V:50.934 Accel:18.89 G: 0.048 pulse 1 Dir Pulse: 0
Trouble shooting...
I switched X and Y ports going into the 540 and the problem stays with Y motor. X motor runs fine in the Y port when processing G-code Y motor plugged into the x port vibrates and doesn't move.
I dug deeper into the plug and the ground and red wire were not making the best connection so I fixed that, nothing changed.
round 2?