The solution to my problem was a licensing issue. I was trying to use a virtual com port and the MSCOMM32.OCX file that was needed to run it was not licensed in windows registry. Hence, the "Class not licensed for use" error I was getting when using mach's vb script editor to run the macro. I did register the MSCOMM32.OCX but, i was still getting the error.
After a long day on Google, I found that the solution was to create a new key in windows registry.
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\4250E830-6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905 and set it’s default value to kjljvjjjoquqmjjjvpqqkqmqykypoqjquoun
In my case, under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Licences wasn't listed. So I created it....right click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, then new, type in Licenses. Right click the newly created Licenses, then new, type in 4250E830-6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905. Now left click on the newly created 4250E830-6AC2-11cf-8ADB-00AA00C00905 and set it's default value to kjljvjjjoquqmjjjvpqqkqmqykypoqjquoun
I now have a working VCP and a happy Emco 120p tool changer