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Author Topic: V-basic problem  (Read 4471 times)

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V-basic problem
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:33:40 PM »

Im working on some macros for 3D-probing (The probe is on an arm and pivots down to the probing position) and ToolLength compensation
I use the Probe Input and Output 9 to rotate the Probe. (On/Off)

Now after a succesful script for probing Z, X and Y in a row I simply can't deactivate Output9 inside the script.
Im fairly new to vbasic so its probably a obvious problem.

After probing and setting the values I use this to go to Safe-Z:
Code: [Select]
'Goto SafeZ if referenced
If GetOEMLED(809) Then
MsgBox "Z not referenced for safe retract",0
Code "G0G53 Z" & GetOEMDRO(54)
While IsMoving()
End If

Code "M1019"
It moves to Safe-Z but it simply won't deactivate Signal 9

When creating another button with just the function "DeActivateSignal(Output9)" it works of course.

Any idea what I'm missing here?