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Author Topic: AKZ250 - USB controller Problem  (Read 5769 times)

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AKZ250 - USB controller Problem
« on: November 19, 2012, 08:50:25 AM »
Here is a test i am doing.
It show a communication problem with the USB controller.

When i click and move the 3D view in Mach3, the controller stop working randomly (on-off) you can hear the CNC start and stop in the video to the point it completly stop.
I can produce the problem like that but i get errors while cutting and not touching anything too.

I have try that on 3 different PC.
2 where 8years old desktop with single core processor and they make the same error.
Last was my i7 quad core laptop and that one work flawlesly...


Anybody know the problem...

I am shopping for a new pc and would like to be sure that it will work.


Thanks all

Re: AKZ250 - USB controller Problem
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 11:14:55 AM »
i have the same problem with this card on a dual core 2.8 ghz pc with files over 1mb
win xp pro gives a cpu load of 3-4 %
do you need a real fast pc or did you find a other solution.