HI theres,
i got the proplem that when i want to use the threading that my z axis is not sync (even if the indicoter shows) to the spindle speed.
if it take the pass it going slow in Z- direction and starting get faster and faster, even if the spindle speed
is constant, also the moving back for the next pass in G0 it still accelerate the feedspeed.
then the same behaivor start over again
If i try the simulation mode it looks good.
spindlespeed input
the reading looks good, anyway i played around with 3 methods
standart is a encoder which give 1000 impulse per round
also i used for testing a mechanical switch wich give 3 impulse per round
and i TTL generator which give a very clear signal
all give the same result bad result.
i using the lockdown Version from Mach3
Windows XP Servicepack 2
using the paralellport from the computer
no idea left where how to found a solution about this, but it whoudl very helpful for
me to have the proplem solved.
ps: i read many topics, may i didnt find the right. also reading the different manuals about mach3turn and threading
sorry for the bad english, i am not used to communicate in english