First, I apologize for hijacking this thread... but it is so close to what I'm going through, it didn't seem worth starting a fresh thread.
Also a Chinese machine converted from factory pendant/controller to Mach3, but using PMDX boards... Also at about 90% (spindle speed is not linear).
Trying to cut two sided 3D item out of wood blocks, using code generated by MeshCam Art V5. Code proofs fine in CutViewer.
Problem has been Y-axis losing position, so when other side is machined, it is out of register. Now the Z-axis is losing position, and has both gone above and below reference zero.
Have systematically eliminated heay load electric equipment in the shop. upgraded line filtering power strip for the computer. cleaned and lubed slideways.
Stepper motor tuning steps calculated using a 1" dial indicator. Velocity originally set to manufacture's listed "working speed", but slowed down to 90% as part of troubleshooting. Acceleration... adjusted for 45 degree ramps (I read somewhere years ago). Z-axis motor specs are way different than XY.
Anyway, have been making a lot of chips without a useable sample so far. Any nudge toward identifying the source would be greatly appreciated.