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Author Topic: Need help setting up Mach 3 for my table.  (Read 29016 times)

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Re: Need help setting up Mach 3 for my table.
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2016, 02:17:42 PM »
Hello Jjmueller and Jerry. It seems like there are more than one of us out there where the software is kicking our butts. I have been trying for months to set up the mach3 software for a plasma table. I am new to the life and I seem to be so lost. I had the motors running but now they just stopped. I was so close, only thing I had left was to set up my limits but now I seem to be back at square one:(.

I have not changed my ports for when they were working before. My THC for port 2 seems to be working. The DRO moves on the screen but the table display shows nothing, the soft limits button will not light up. I know its something in the settings but I am lost...any help would be fantastic.