I’m new to CNC, I’m building my CNC machine.
One of my motors, is unipolar, the other is bipolar.
I don’t know what driver board and motors I’m going to use/buy or build.
(I found a small Y table that already has a unipolar motor I want to use, and I
have other junk parts all around me)
Can Mach 3 work with ANY parallel step motor driver board setup ?
As long as I have a board that accepts parallel input/output and will drive my motors
Can I get Mach 3 to work with it ?
Or do I need to select specific parallel step driver board hardware and/or motor types?
What does Mach 3 require ?
(Please dont be offended by my username, I've had it for
ever and it don't mean nothin, it got me free space at hotmail, they were afraid to delete it