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Author Topic: G-Editor follow-Up  (Read 6638 times)

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Offline koep

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G-Editor follow-Up
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:50:13 AM »
Hello Everyone!

Having occasionallly followed on my upload of G-Editor, touch screen editor/keypad I see some downloads but no questions whatsoever :o.

If any of you who downloaded are using G-Editor, I'D like to hear your comments.

I also noticed that I had omitted the "G"button from numpad which pops up on MDI, which in turn needs the "G".

I fixed this and also made a PlugIn to launch G-Editor.

I'll upload if anyone is interested

Re: G-Editor follow-Up
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 04:29:44 AM »
Hi Tapio
I have just downloaded your GEditor, but am having a little trouble getting it to work.  When I first start GEditor and start modifying the gspot.txt file I can see the two sets of numbers on the red geditor square, but these numbers don't change when I start clicking different controls, ie MDI and DRO's.  Any ideas on how to get this to work.  I am using win7.

Thanks for your help

Offline koep

  •  23 23
Re: G-Editor follow-Up
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 12:30:58 PM »
Hi Andrew!

Do you mean that the numbers don't change in the red GEditor square or in the GSpot.txt?

If the numbers don't change when you move the mouse pointer on and off a control on screen then I suppose the problem is on the Win7. I really have very limited experience with win7.
G-Editor relies on win32api calls getwindowrect and windowfrompoint that it runs on timer. A quick google search shows that win7, especially 64-bit version has problems with these.

If you mean that the numbers don't change in the GSpot.txt when clicking on control then the short answer is no they are not supposed to. To be honest I never even thought of the possibility of
have the Geditor filling the gspot with mouse clicks. I just made it manual and the Geditor screen is there to show the control size ie the numbers entered in gspot.txt are control height;width.

-I noticed in one point that the screen auto scale in Mach3 can mess things up so turn that of before you start.
-note that the 1. and 2. line in GSpot.txt are for G-code windows meaning that any control with the size matching will trigger the editor window, rest of matches will bring up the numpad.

-If the problem is on the win7 then the only solution I can come up with is downgrade to xp, which is not the way the world is heading to.

I have been waiting for Brian to get so far with his rewrite that they would come out with a Mach version with triggers for control click events but still waiting.

Re: G-Editor follow-Up
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 05:18:32 PM »
Hi Tapio

I meant the numbers in the red geditor square.
I am guessing that the issue is with win7, I will spend a bit more time on it this weekend.
Thanks for your help.

Offline koep

  •  23 23
Re: G-Editor follow-Up
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 01:26:10 PM »
Hi Andrew!

Did you get any progress?

I tried to e-mail you about a possible solution but the mail came back undelivered. If you are interested send me a short e-mail.
