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Author Topic: Reverse Cutting and Job Nowhere Near Home  (Read 2887 times)

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Offline Carlb

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Reverse Cutting and Job Nowhere Near Home
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:55:55 PM »
Hi All,

I've run a search but I dare say I'm using the wrong terminology as I get no find on the following two questions, so any help will be much appreciated.

Firstly when ever I've looked at a desktop type CNC router/engravers etc the XYZ is in the top right hand corner. Is this just a convenient place to park it in a photo as on the screen in Mach3 the XYZ is in the bottom left so when I load a tap file of a design (made in Aspire 3) it loads at the top right even though I've set it to bottom left?

Secondly, why does it engrave everything backwards e.g. foot gets engraved toof with the letters facing the opposite way (obviously)?

Just so you know, I've set the table dimensions correctly, ref'd home and can jog the design to somewhere I can engrave it but it's not very convenient if you get my drift.

Thanks in advance, now off to email the seller of the machine to find out why when I touch the tool with the tip on the Z it spins it instead of retracting like it's supposed to  ???


Not my machine, just an indication of what I mean by XYZ parking  :)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:05:01 PM by Carlb »

Offline Hood

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Re: Reverse Cutting and Job Nowhere Near Home
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 04:49:48 AM »
You seem to have your X axis (at least) set in reverse if things are coming out backwards.
Parking position has nothing to do with the direction the axis moves, you can set that to be anywhere.
Do you have home switches on the machine?

Offline Carlb

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Re: Reverse Cutting and Job Nowhere Near Home
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 06:40:21 PM »
If home switches are physical pieces of kit I'd have to say no as I can't see any (geez can't you tell I'm a total noob). . .

Anyway, just created a simple lettering design in Aspire took it out to the machine, followed the tutorial video to set machine co-ord's etc loaded the g-code double checked the machine co-ords and it worked "sorta". What happened was as it progressed along the lettering (right to left) it started to go offline/off centre (see image) - so now I've got something else to drive me nutso, is it a Mach 3 setting I've balls up or is it the machine itself just being cheap junk?

Offline Hood

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Re: Reverse Cutting and Job Nowhere Near Home
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2013, 07:12:21 PM »
That is likely your Y axis is stalling slightly, try reducing your Acceleration in motor tuning for Y and see if it helps.