I'm pretty new in mach and also in brain , and i would like to learn more about that so i can convert a cheap wood router into a Laser engraver...
for that i would like to use modbus so i can send different power to the laser diode according to the depth of cut:
ex: 2mm deep would be full power and 0 would be 0 laser power .
i found the a zip file that is called arduino modbus that comes with a very good documentation called :Arduino Modbus, Complete, Documented and free.pdf
-now my question is , why when i sent the value 00FF with the modbus tester it works well and fire my laser (see brain picture attached)
but no way to get it work when i try in brain (see pwm test brain attached)
do i miss something?
-and by the way is there a way to add in the formula some sort of limit like in C programing (max) so i can limit the whole values from PWM 2 to 100 for example with a modbus linked Pot
- is there any way to get a list of the command we can put in the formula boxes
thank you in advance for your precious help!