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Author Topic: Half the DRO  (Read 32595 times)

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Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2013, 02:07:29 PM »
with the added DRO, it works.
but wasn't looking for so many DRO's on one screen :)
Thanks Klaus1311
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2013, 02:30:53 PM »
Hi Kenneth,

you could minimize the number of controls, if you 'd use 3 buttons, one for each axis and one dro showing the value / 2.

The brain isn't a soap, it doesn't shrink when used.
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2013, 02:32:29 PM »
that made a whole lot of sense as i read that. just use my user DRO
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2013, 02:39:47 PM »
trying it in mach3. the oem dro move when i X+ or X-.
the user(dro) doesn't change til i half it. so i will need two DRO's
for each axis. one to show movement and one to show when i half.
this sounds right ?
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2013, 03:22:00 PM »
Hi Kenneth,

yes, that would be simplest solution. For each axis 2 DRO's and 1 button.

The brain isn't a soap, it doesn't shrink when used.
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2013, 04:36:54 PM »
..... i want to touch one side of the stock and zero the DRO....then move to the other side
of the stock and touch again....then select an axis and click my button. that would half my
DRO display so that when i move the axis to the center of the stock, the DRO would read zero.

Why show the User DRO at all ? ::)
Just script a button beside each to half the X and Y Pos. DRO's and be done with it.
I may have overlooked something and do not completely understand. ???
Looks simple to do.

or, the Auto Calculator, or the Keyboard (/2) as other options.
Russ :) :)
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2013, 05:04:19 PM »
Just playin', here is a cobbled up example ...

VALUE = GetOEMDRO(800) 'For X axis


Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2013, 05:48:08 AM »
the thing i have is the oem dro changes when i jog the axis. the user dro doesn't change
till i half the axis. after i half the axis, the user dro stays at half while the oem changes
as i jog the axis. so i have 
oem =  4
user = 4
half axis
oem = 4
user = 2
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2013, 06:06:44 AM »
i had to do this to get it to work as i want.
value = GetOEMDRO(800)
SetOEMDRO(800 , value / 2)
Re: Half the DRO
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2013, 06:11:02 AM »
well, almost right. that just moves the axis to the center.
it havles it but when i half it gose to x =2 from 4 but the table didn't move.
so i'm at x = 6 really. trying........