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Author Topic: Need Help Getting ShopMaster Stepper Motors Running Under CNC Control  (Read 10461 times)

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Re: Need Help Getting ShopMaster Stepper Motors Running Under CNC Control
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 08:07:27 PM »
From Gecko:

TERMINAL 10 Common
Connect this terminal to the controller +5VDC power supply

These inputs are optically isolated from the rest of the drive. Terminal 10 is the common anode connection for the opto-isolators and must be connected to the +5 VDC supply of your indexer or pulse generator.

These inputs are meant to be driven by standard TTL logic or other driver capable of sinking 16mA of current. The minimum logic “0” time is .5uS while the minimum logic “1” time is 4uS. Microstepping occurs on the falling edge of the step input.

Re: Need Help Getting ShopMaster Stepper Motors Running Under CNC Control
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 08:26:24 PM »
I did some research and found that best case, the port can support 14 ma and with each Gecko taking 16 ma, I guess that I will be taking it from the drive cable.  I'll just run a dedicated wire out of the computer.

Thanks very much with this and I hope to get it up and running soon.
Re: Need Help Getting ShopMaster Stepper Motors Running Under CNC Control
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2013, 08:22:17 PM »
I put the CNC cabinet back together, put the 5 volts to the system from a hard drive tap and the software fired the CNC motors right up with all three axis running backwards!  I changed the dir pin to low active and the direction arrows were corrected.  The table has never been used and has sat since 2008.  The motors were grumbing a bit so I turned them off used the power feed a couple times.  This freed up the X-axis nice and smooth.  When I was doing the Y-axis, for some reason the table is phyically jammed toward the end of its travel (over 1/2" to go though) so I'll now need to look into that.  >:(

It also it shredded a belt for one of the speeds on the lathe.  The back of the belt rides against an idler and the alignment is such that the belt easily comes off the idler and wedges up by the axle.  The fix would be to push the pully on to the motor shaft another 1/4", but this is a press fit and easier said than done with the machine now in place.