I write root cause because more than one existed yet solving them made no permanent correction.
My Z axis from time to time would not raise, hence, scratched surfaces and broken end mills followed by vulgar words would come to pass. First cause was faulty wiring. I replace the shipped cable with opens in the wire with my own. Worked for a while. Second cause was the screws becoming loose for the motor shaft coupler. Tighten it down and the CNC3040 Z axis worked again for a while. All the prior bagging of the axis from the first cause eventually loosed/stripped the screws.
Finally, the darn machine Z just went kaput, no power at all. Cracked the controller case open and seen the YOOCNC board for Z axis did not power its LEDs. Removed card and look at each component. Voila!! The LM317 regulator surface mount package, now get this, not a cold solder joint, there was
NO SOLDER AT ALL for one of the legs. I nearly flipped. So much rework time and router bits biting the dust just because lack of solder.
The thing ran for a year before I found this out. Added the solder and now works flawlessly in the realm of CNC3040. Operational for 1 year by means of close proximity of one piece of metal to another

Is there a specific place on the forum to add to CNC3040 trouble shooting?