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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2007, 08:50:38 AM »
Hi David,

If you open a screenset in Mach, then go to the operator menu and 'Edit Button Script'
any buttons that consist of VB script will then start to flash.

So,  you weren't talking about the Mach Screen Editor (Screen3/4) after all.
Now I'm confused.

If you now click on a flashing button the VB script editor pops up
and you can edit the code, save and close it.

That should not be a problem.  As long as the VB-Script is inside the Set (or LSet)

From memory the VB used by Mach isn't true VB

Yes,  I am aware of the difference between VB code and VB Script.

probably best to talk to Art about that one.

So,  am I to understand that all you want is simply to be able to
edit the VB-Script?  I thought my original editor lets you do this.

In fact I am sure it does.  When selecting a button for example,
the Function properties for the button have an editor for the VB script.
Is this not what you are after?  Or do you need to also
run the VB-Script from inside the editor?
I doubt that would be possble,  but I could be wrong.

I'm looking forward to using it, any ideas when we may get to play with it?

Well,  I'm still working on the basic editing functionality because most of the editor is being re-built.
As you know,  building screens is quick and simple in my editor.
The new editor will let you do this even quicker and simpler.

I haven't touched the renderer yet,  or the property editor.
I'm sorry for the delay,  but I have a real job too,  which takes up most of my time.

best regards


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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2007, 12:53:22 PM »
Now I think I'm going mad - just tried making a screen in Jetcam and then editing it the script in Mach and it works. I tried previously and it wouldn't work - the only difference is that this is a new computer.

Sorry Stan - seems like I've been leading you up the garden path here !! I think I better get my coat  :P

I know what you mean - work always seems to get in the way!! If you want me to do any testing once your near release just give me a shout.



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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2007, 02:05:24 PM »
Hi David,

I'm glad you got the problem sorted as I was getting worried.

So does this mean that there is no new functionality required
concerning editing of VB script?

It would be a pleasure to get you an early release.
Stay tuned.

Best regards

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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2007, 03:02:35 PM »
Hi Stan

Yup that's right - no new feature required there!! Oops

With all this talk of the new version I got my thinking about an old wizard I had been working on but gave up due to the problems with the traditional Mach screen designer. Just had a quick go at setting it up in Jetcam and noticed a couple of things -

1) I've setup a button over a graphic on the screen, set the transparency to full but it just appears as a grey block on the screen.
2) I've got an LED set to flash red - But it flashes green. Where should the red graphics that jetcam creates be placed?
3) I use loads of userdro's in my wizards. How do I implement these in Jetcam? If I put the DRO number in (e.g. 1001) then the DRO appears and I can enter a value but it resets the value to 0.

Hope you don't mind me asking these questions here but I am currently trying to work with Jetcam so I can find any problems/ improvements that can be made so you don't have to redo too much work later!

Also one other thought - would it be possible to have the DRO formatting codes as a drop down list of formats? e.g. -

Save me having to trying to work out what they all are  :P





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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2007, 03:52:05 PM »

I've setup a button over a graphic on the screen,
set the transparency to full but it just appears as a grey block on the screen.

Please elaborate.  transparency should be working 100% correctly within the limitations
described in the help file.  Where are you seeing a grey block?  In my editor?
I must admit that I never tried 100% transparency for a button.

I've got an LED set to flash red - But it flashes green. Where should the red graphics that jetcam creates be placed?

To be honest,  I have no idea.  Led's have always been a bit of a mystery to me.
Art changed the code in MACH a few times,  and maybe he's done it again and
caused a problem,  or my editor is incomplete concerning LEDs.
I will look into this.

I use loads of userdro's in my wizards.
How do I implement these in Jetcam?

I've never heard of a "user" DRO.
What are they?  How are they different from normal DROs?
Do you perhaps mean the new "sliders" by any chance?
Because if so,  the editor you have does not support them.

If I put the DRO number in (e.g. 1001) then the DRO appears and
I can enter a value but it resets the value to 0.

What do you mean by DRO number?
If this is a property you are entering, I need to know the
name of the property as displayed in the editor.
Where are you seeing it reset to 0?

would it be possible to have the DRO formatting codes as a
drop down list of formats?

Are you talking about the "Format String" property?
Are there any other preset formats you'd like?

When you mention specific properties for components,
please quote them as they appear in my editor,  otherwise
I have trouble sometimes understanding what you are
refering to.

Please forgive my ignorance,  I don't know much about MACH.
My father bought a lathe and a mill,  and asked me to write him
an improved MACH screen editor.  Which I did. 
Now I am going to write a better one.

best regards

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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2007, 06:33:56 PM »
No probs Stan - the more we can do now hopefully the less hassle you will have later.

Please elaborate.  transparency should be working 100% correctly within the limitations
described in the help file.  Where are you seeing a grey block?  In my editor?
I must admit that I never tried 100% transparency for a button.

This may be due to the way I am using the transparency. Basically I am trying to use an 'invisible' button - i.e. a see-through overlay. This may not be the best way to do this, but it is how it was often done in Screen4. I've enclosed some pics of what I am seeing.

I've never heard of a "user" DRO.
What are they?  How are they different from normal DROs?
Do you perhaps mean the new "sliders" by any chance?
Because if so,  the editor you have does not support them.

In a number of situations it is neccesarry to able to enter values, particulalry wizards etc and this is done by using a User DRO. They exist for DRO's from 1000 to 1254, similarly user LED's also exist from 1000 to 1254. Basically they are unallocated DRO's and LED's that are available for users to use as they want. for example in Screen4, if I want a DRO to behave as a userdro I simply give it the OEM value of 1000 and then I can reference it from within VB Script.

If I set the OEM code in the Jetcam editor to 1000, then load the screen in Mach3 it appears fine. However if I enter a value e.g. 2, then hit enter, the DRO returns to 0, and does not hold the value of 2.

Are you talking about the "Format String" property?
Are there any other preset formats you'd like?

Yup - format string is the one. Probably the numeric values up to say 7 decimal places would be useful. Also any way to show whether a leading +, nothing or - should be added -

Please forgive my ignorance,  I don't know much about MACH.
My father bought a lathe and a mill,  and asked me to write him
an improved MACH screen editor.  Which I did. 
Now I am going to write a better one.

Don't worry about it - you're doing us a massive favour developing such a great editor and I will do whatever I can to help it progress. I think we could do with a few more opinions here so i will try and rally the troops a bit.



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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2007, 08:19:01 PM »
   It all sounds great.

Thanks guys for all of the work you are putting into it. I hope to get to play with it to a great extent one day.

;D If you could see the things I have in my head, you would be laughing too. ;D

My guard dog is not what you need to worry about!

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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2007, 08:21:51 AM »

What do you mean by "see through overlay" ?
It's very difficult for me to solve a problem unless I
fully understand what you are trying to achieve.
And I still don't understand.

I strongly suspect that you are trying to make it
possible to "click" on an LED,  as if it were a button,
and subsequently you put an invisible button on
top of an LED.

If this is the case,  and it works in MACH when
done using Screen4,  then I'd like to know how that
was achieved so I can support the same functionality.

Ok, I understand now.  That seems to be a bug in the editor
(maybe).  You wont have that problem in the new one.

I have no idea what is and is not allowed in a format string.
So I cannot answer your question concerning "+" and "-" signs.

What I am thinking of doing,  is to let the user of the editor
to create their own list of regularly used format strings.
These will be saved and made available in a drop down list
whenever format string needs to be entered.

Best Regards

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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2007, 08:27:53 AM »

Perhaps I was wrong about you wanting to put a button over an LED.

If you are simply trying to put a button over an image,
you can simply add an image to the button using the
button's Image property.

Then you don't need to use transparency at all.

best regards

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Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2007, 12:47:30 PM »
Hi Stan

If you are simply trying to put a button over an image,
you can simply add an image to the button using the
button's Image property.

Yeah that's what I was trying to do - had the screenset graphics already created. I will re-create them to have seperate image buttons.

I have no idea what is and is not allowed in a format string.
So I cannot answer your question concerning "+" and "-" signs.

Certainly + is available, takes the format e.g. %+.3f. - doesn't seem to be available but is certainly a valid character.

Oh and while I remember have you had any problems with importing Graphics as background images ? I find that if I import a 1024x768 image onto 1024x768 screen then the bottom of the screen is missing.

