Yes, yet another help request.
I have a C10, Rev 8 parallel board. I am adding a SSR to Output pin 1 and GND.
When I test the C10 Output it tests 5.22 VDC on my multimeter and that is reaching the SSR, yet the SSR does NOT switch the device on/off.
Now, when I connect a 6VDC battery to the input of the SSR the device turns ON when connected and OFF when disconnected as it should.
I am missing something here. The Mach3 pin assignments are correct (pin 1) and when I press cycle start the line goes High (5.22 VDC) and reset goes low (0 VDC) but nothing happens with the SSR. I have tried this with a C8 card and a OPTI22 25amp SSR. Both the same.
Being a Mach newbie any help would be greatly appreciated!
I email Arturo with my wiring diagram and he said it should work.