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Author Topic: cross hairs move in wrong direction  (Read 4098 times)

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cross hairs move in wrong direction
« on: January 14, 2007, 05:37:23 AM »
I have just completed my first gantry router.
I am using Mach3 and HobbyCNC controller.
Everything worked first time except the cross hairs move in the wrong direction when jogging.
I just spent the last 12 hours setting everything up and maybe I am a suffering mental fatigue.
I tried many things, even reversed the motors, but nothing works.
It has to be something simple, but what?

WillieCNC >:( >:(

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Re: cross hairs move in wrong direction
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2007, 05:53:04 AM »
Hey Willie,
   Did you reverse the motors in config, homing and limits? Try that and close Mach. Open Mach back up and see if the changes stick. Also, where do you have zero set at on your model? The above will change the way the machine moves.

;D If you could see the things I have in my head, you would be laughing too. ;D

My guard dog is not what you need to worry about!
Re: cross hairs move in wrong direction
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 07:12:13 AM »
Hey Willie,
   Did you reverse the motors in config, homing and limits? Try that and close Mach. Open Mach back up and see if the changes stick. Also, where do you have zero set at on your model? The above will change the way the machine moves.

Thanks for the reply Brett.
I did reverse in the config, and did not restart Mach however since your reply I tried this and still did not solve the problem
I also tried reversing the motors on the board to no avail .
Where I am at now, Zero is the front left hand corner or bottom left hand corner.
Referencing goes to this corner, The cross hairs now move in the same direction as the tool. So far so good.
The only anomaly is the curser keys are the wrong way. Left cursor moves to the right and the right moves to the left.
you might say It's programmed for a CRASH

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Re: cross hairs move in wrong direction
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 10:54:10 AM »
I the ports and pin setup change your direction pin to low active or vise versa. this will get your motors moving in the corect direction. After you get the motors moving in the correct direction with respect to the jog keys then use homing/limits to get the screen to move correctly.
Re: cross hairs move in wrong direction
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2007, 07:36:32 PM »
Many thanks . the problem is solved.