Hood, your correct on what you posted in reply #5 and still holds true as far I kow.
Nothing wrong with checking the rpm but if your rpm is stable like you said +- 1 rpm then threading should be no problem.
Mach will try to ajust for a spindle slow down but will not do anything for an increase. The real time rpm read by Mach is out to 3 or 4
digits ie; 100.1234. Read the info on you tach / optical device as it may be +- 1 to 5% of reading which is a greater range than the DRO is displaying.
Lower the spindle speed in the the threading wizard and try air cutting. Make sure you allow 3 to 5 x pitch so you steppers can accelerate to required feedrate. You could be skipping during the move from standstill ( index seen ) to required threading feedrate.
I can't duplicate your problem here. It's one thing to have an index not working, another if the stepper can't accelerate properly,
and yet another if the stepper dosn't have the torque to do the threading.
To simulate the threading you will need to have the spindle turning so an index is seen,but, if you disengage the x & z drive
and try threading you elininate axis possiblity. The graphics display should be correct if not then you have something going on with
the index......that includes the sensor, any electronics, the PP, etc.
So simulate threading to see what shows in the graphics window.