Hi all,
I have retrofitted a CNC plasma table for cutting of thin ducting profiles (0.6 - 1.6mm), so the cutting feed rates are quite fast (8000 -12000mm/min). The problem that I am having is that I cant seem to get the CV settings right with the post from the Map ducting software.
Attached is an example of the code.
The only way that I can get the machine to run borderline acceptable is to tune the motor velocity right down to 200mm/min, and set the CV distance to 3, but this is very slow and worse than the old analog control that I replaced.
I have tried to:
1) set the look ahead higher - no change
2) tick "stop CV on angles > 89 (or 79 or 44) - the corners are better,the long arcs are smoother, but the tight curves are segments of small line, so they run with a jerky motion.( in the Map software, there is a "simplify islands" check box that removes a lot of this, but not everything.)
3) tick "Plasma mode" - no change
4) I have tried making the "look ahead" larger or smaller - no change
I have been trying to solve this problem since December, so Please, if someone has suggestions - let me know, your help will really be appreciated.