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Author Topic: Stepper iregular or stalling in MDI or program run  (Read 7370 times)

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Re: Stepper iregular or stalling in MDI or program run
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2006, 05:03:45 PM »
   All I actually did was went to Control panel then System under the Advanced tab go to Performance settings ten Visual E effects select custom de-check everything then select the Advanced tab make sure Programs are set in the Processor scheduling and Memory usage I also doubled my virtual memory then hit OK and shut down the system. Upon reboot I went back to the Visual Effects and made the let windows choose what’s best for my computer hit OK and then reboot.
   I restarted Mach3 referenced and entered a MDI move it worked ok then I just increased speed until vibration’s occurred its now 31ipm X, 25ipm Y and 10ipm on Z they can all run at 31ipm however its not practical in the application I am using my machine for at the moment.
   My Pc is an old 1.2 Pentium with only 256meg ram hence the reason I thought about the pc as a possible problem 

I hope this helps if not let me know


Re: Stepper iregular or stalling in MDI or program run
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2006, 05:52:24 PM »
Tun off everything under MSconfig/startup as well. There coudl be a program that is getting loaded that is the problem. Also you need to look for power settings on your computer. Laptops change the CPU speed to save battery life and that is Not so good for mach3 as it needs to have everything running at the right time (speed)
Fixing problems one post at a time ;)

Re: Stepper iregular or stalling in MDI or program run
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2006, 11:54:12 PM »
Thanks all. will try these.
